Szállítás: HU

Rendelés állapota

Specialized Turbo tömlo 28" 20/26-622 (700x20-26C) francia szelep 40mm

beleértve a 27%-os ÁFA-t Szállítási költség nélkül a HUplusz szállítási költség.
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Specialized Turbo tömlo 28" 20/26-622 (700x20-26C) francia szelep 40mm 42775574 5,34€
Gyártó cikkszáma 03019-0200
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Specialized Turbo ultralight hose

With this tube, it is possible to economically save around 40 g of rotating mass per impeller. The smooth upper part protects pump rubbers. In addition, this lightweight, supple hose with patented valve and robust valve bottom reduces rolling resistance by up to 13% per impeller.


  • Treated with talc to facilitate installation and prevent the hose from sticking to the tire
  • The patented valve base with 4.8 cm diameter makes the valve particularly resistant to valve tears.
  • The smooth valve tip facilitates the placement of the pump and reduces the wear of the pump rubber.
  • The thin design saves about 40 g of rotating mass compared to a standard hose.
  • Thickness: approx. 0.6 mm


  • 1x Specialized Turbo ultralight hose (see item description for details)
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Über die Marke Specialized

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